Tuesday, December 31, 2013

buh bye 2013.


I know.  I've been away for awhile.  I've put this project on the back burner and let other priorities take precedence.  

Issues with the facebook page have also caused me to ignore it.  I started to not receive notifications, and I realized my posts weren't being "seen," which then lead to facebook asking me to pay to promote my little page.  And that's not happening.

So, as 2013 comes to an end, I'm letting y'all know that the blog and facebook page will be temporarily ending, as well.  I'm debating on returning to my tiny snapshots corner at some point in 2014.  However, I haven't thought that much ahead.  

My life is going in a whole lot of directions right now (they're good directions - don't worry), and I feel that I simply cannot dedicate the time to this hobby of mine.  And I don't want to leave y'all in the dark anymore...

If you do need me, please, find me on my personal facebook page // Stephanie Martin Maiocco.  It should be set up to follow my public posts, if you wish.

Thank you again for the support during this mini adventure.  We're going to just keep moving. :)

happy 2014.


Monday, August 26, 2013

the frank family :: homecoming ceremony.

A solider's return home.

First time meeting his sweet, little Savannah...


I absolutely LOVED having the opportunity to photograph this Homecoming ceremony earlier this month.  I've limited myself to only sharing a few photos from this day, 
so the Frank family can enjoy all of them later on their own.  

Below are some of my absolute favs from a simply beautiful afternoon.  

Thank you so much, 
Haley, Joseph, and Savannah, 
for letting me 
(and the husband) 
be right there with y'all that Wednesday afternoon...

the app.


that moment when I almost lost it...
Savannah waving to her Daddy.

opening the doors.

his own little, screaming eagle.

fixing her hair.

he's home.

playing with her little locks.

the Frank family...
Savannah was so over this.

Monday, June 24, 2013

supermoon in the country.

Did anyone else see the supermoon?

I was out late Saturday night in our front yard 
attempting to take photographs.

Widening the aperture and slowing the shutter speed way down
to where I had to take a deep breath every time before pressing the button...
trying to be as still as possible.

I really, really should have brought out the tripod.

But I kinda like the challenge. :)

Anyway, early Sunday morning, 
(5 a.m. ish - ridiculously early when you go to bed at 1 a.m.)
I staggered out in my pajamas with a gorgeous hair-do
to photograph it again at moonset.

But it was just too foggy here in the hollow.

Instead, I took a video of the birds chirping. :)

Below is my favorite from Saturday night...

Hope y'all broke in summer good this past weekend.

My little family and I certainly did...

Throwin' frisbee, grillin' out, and watchin' nugget run through the yard.

Welcome sweet summer.


Monday, June 17, 2013

to the dads.

I feel kinda bad that I did not do a "big" post for father's day like I did for mother's day...

Nothing against the Dads - I just didn't get around to getting everything ready!

However, I still would like to say happy father's day to my daddy.

The man who helped provide me with the absolute best childhood...

I just couldn't resist posting these beauties.

I'm so thankful he now has an active role in raisin' my nugget.

...and a special shout out to my baby's daddy.

It's been fun to experience parenting with you, Poot. :)


Friday, June 14, 2013

savannah + mommy.

A quick, little late night post.

Just wanting to share a few more of my favorites from Saturday's session...

I love all the pink alongside the cornfield. :)

And THAT bow - oh, little girls and their accessories!

Thanks, H&S.


this was most definitely the last photograph of the session. :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

{preview} savannah and mommy.

Yesterday afternoon, Michael and I had a super quick photo session 
with precious Savannah and her mommy.

Y'all know Savannah...I've had the wonderful opportunity to photograph her a bunch. :) 

I've been editing photos today, and below is one of my favorites...

Two sweet, strong ladies.
More photos coming soon. :)


Saturday, June 8, 2013

t-shirts FOR SALE!


I'm so excited to announce that Creek Junk has t-shirts for sale!

My momma is running the etsy website, which you can find here:

We're still in the beginning stages of all of this, 

so just stick with us. :)

If you like t-shirts...

and dogs!

you'll like this one:

more merch to come!

Enjoy your weekend. :)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Memorial Day weekend.

I know it was a couple weeks back, but I still wanted to share this post. :)

My family and I went to 3 different ceremonies for Memorial Day weekend.  My favorite was a luminary tribute in Dover, Tennessee.  We also went to a candlelight vigil and a wreath-laying ceremony, both in Clarksville, Tennessee.  Each of these were beautiful ways to celebrate this holiday.

Below is my Memorial Day weekend in pictures...


7:05 pm

8:32 pm
28 empty chairs symbolizing the missing from the Vietnam War...
Vietnam veteran and retired U.S. Army Colonel Tom Denney 
a few Gold Star Wives of America 
raise your hand if you have served... 
my young man learning about our freedom. 

*You'll notice I have had to remove the Facebook comment option from the blog.  Unfortunately, I had stopped receiving notifications whenever new comments were being published, and after several attempts to adjust it, I decided to completely remove it.  Please, feel free to leave comments on our Facebook page or use the blogger comment section below, which is being heavily monitored due to previous spam issues.  Thank you for understanding. :)

Friday, May 31, 2013


Since today is the last day of May,
which has consisted of lots of young men and women walkin' across the stage,
I wanted to share one of my ultimate, favorite graduation photographs.

I took this several years ago when 
one of my cousins, Ashley, graduated from a local high school.

My family and I were leaving, and as we were walking away from the large crowd,
I turned and saw Pastor Terry with his sign.

If you are familiar with Clarksville, Tennessee, 
you are well aware of this man and his church, Tabernacle Missionary Church...

He holds his "Jesus signs" while he's driving.

Ladies from his church stand at different, traffic-y areas in Clarksville 
with their Jesus signs
asking people to "honk for Jesus."

I love what this photograph represents.

Our faith is so important in the busyness of life.
It's important to remember Him once we've reached such accomplishments
and continue on our journey together.

congratulations graduates...
please don't forget

happy Friday.


Monday, May 27, 2013

happy Memorial day.

My family and I have gone to several special ceremonies this weekend 
honoring those who serve and have served our country.  
Extremely moving tributes and beautiful ways to say thank you.
I'm hoping to put a blog post together soon with all of my favorite photographs...

Today is not all about the bar-b-que.
A flag that belonged to my husband's grandmother displayed on our old, family woodshed.

happy Memorial day.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

happy momma's day...

So happy to finally share this post with you all!

I received more submissions than I anticipated over the past week
(special thank you to my momma who has 
TONS of family photographs at her fingertips 
and contributed many memories).

I worked on this post late last night...and into the early morning.

...working on it through tears as I studied the photos and read the stories.  

So many lovely ladies who created beautiful lives for their families.

It has been my pleasure to put this post together, 
and I thank you for taking the time to share.

Enjoy this mother's day...


A FIVE generation photo 
submitted by Amy Ormes

The baby is my daughter, Jamie. She is being held by her Great Great Grandma Myrtle. 
Standing is Jamie's Nana Connie; her mother, Amy (me); and her Great Grandma Christine. 
This picture was taken in March 1989.

Florence and her children...Annie and Kenny
submitted by Melissa Martin 

This photo made when we all met out at her house where she was raised.  I took Steph out for a visit Mrs. Askew.  Annie and Steph were the cutest little bald headed girls we had ever seen.  We lost touch over the years, but recently reconnected on FB and able to see these two beautiful daughters that have grown up....along with the boys.  

Florence lost her sweet mother a little over a year ago.  I know she misses her dearly....She and her hubby have just made a move back to their family farm out in the edge of Kentucky.  I think that is an awesome testament to how strong those good memories of growin' up on the family farm can be.

Kathy and her son, Davis.
submitted by Melissa Martin 

Cute little blonde haired boy that has grown up!  We all had sweet babies about the same time, but Davis was about 2-3 years old when Steph was born.  In looking through pics, saw those cute little pics too of newborn Steph with Davis holding her, he was so sweet and gentle with her.  Just saw a recent pic of Davis, his wife and Kathy in front of Davis' home.  I know Kathy is so proud of him and hope she gets a grandbaby soon cause there 'ain't' nothing like it.  

Kathy also lost her momma a few years back....I know she misses her so much.  I would always love to hear Miss Martha say 'Kathy' in her sweet, southern draw.

Polly and Ashleigh
submitted by Melissa Martin 

I just recently saw a grown up version of this same photo.  Polly and Ashleigh look so much alike.  Ash has been so strong for Polly to lean on during her recent battle with cancer.  

Think the world of both of them.  She is a busy bee worker just like her mama too. :)
Kathy and Michael 
submitted by Michael Maiocco Jr.

Thanks for being my mom.

Wanda Schrecker
submitted by Melissa Martin

It's funny in looking back at these photos how mom enjoyed funny things, she loved crazy clothes, fun events (Crazy day photos from her job, the snazzy cowboy outfit).  It was rare to see her relaxing (like the pose on the couch) as I didn't know her to slow down much.  Mom loved fun.

Aunt Christine over at Grandma Myrtle's house (Marion, KY) 
submitted by Melissa Martin

Aunt Chris loved her reading and you can see a book on her lap.  She kicked back, was relaxed, so kind and mellow....I remember a time with her at our mall...a young mother was fussing (and struggling) with her young children while standing in the middle of the mall....Aunt Christine approached her very calmly and asked if she could help her with anything.  I just thought that was so kind of her, so the young mother stopped and regrouped, Christine just smiled and talked with her a moment...and then we walked on.  I just see that moment this many years later...what a kind, simple thing to do.  

We need more Aunt Christine moments.

Eunice Simpson and Kathy 
submitted by Kathy Maiocco

The smell of Jerkens lotion on the breeze takes me back in time when I can hear your laugh & feel your arms around me. I miss you and feel your love around me every day.

submitted by Melissa Martin 

I guess we've always done group photos...
this first one I made at the house (I think 1977, Michelle was a baby).  
That's Wilma C, Mom, Grandma, Jan and baby M. having a coffee.  
This was the kitchen I grew up in and seeing it brings back a lot of memories.  
Love Jan's beret.

submitted by Melissa Martin

Grandma Myrtle and the crew ...
2nd group shot had to be about 1988-1989 looking at Steph and Josh.  
A classic group shot with older teenagers looking bored stiff.  
I loved shooting black and white film.

submitted by Melissa Martin

I'm including today this pic of Aunt Janice...as you can see in the pic...lots of stuff in jeep.  This was a collection of items that we took down to Alabama after the tornado that hit the area 2 years ago.  The family gave loads of things that were needed as they didn't have power for a week.  Our last stop before heading out was Jan's.  Of course she had everything from Camel cigs to Jack Daniels...books, cards, gift cards, etc...but that's just Aunt Janice and it doesn't take a tornado to have her giving....she is always giving.  I'm very blessed to have such wonderful Aunts....especially when they wear Wizard of Oz red shoes!!! 

The 2nd photo of Jan shows her after Rachel's wedding at the Smith Trahern.  She is at home in history (as you can see her sitting in the rocker on the porch of the historic home).  She loves traveling through the hills of Kentucky and visiting the old farm.

submitted by Doris Davie

I remember the smell of that ol' smokehouse 
and all the good food that came from it.  
I miss you Mom & Mammy (dad's mom).  

Hold a seat at Heaven's table for me!


submitted by Mike Maiocco Sr.

My mother - Margaret Ann

One time when I was very young I had a terrible fever.

As my mom lightly brushed my forehead with a cool washcloth she said, 

"If I could be sick for you I would do it."

I will never forgot that generous offer only a mother would make.

Eunice Barineau Simpson
Submitted by Buddy Simpson

Mom, it has been four long years since you left this world, but speaking
for me and also my five sisters there is not a day that we all don't think
about you and miss talking with you. 

Mom, you were the greatest mom in the world to us. 

Mom, your son and daughters 
Love and Miss you. 
Till we meet in

submitted by Melissa Martin

I can hear her when I look at this photo.  I wished there was another trip to Foodtown or to driving her to get her hair done.  Grandma had always been grandma to all of us...but she moved to Clarksville shortly after mom died.  She was such good company for us after that sadness.  She was here for the birth of both my children (as she was for many of the new babies being born).  She called my Stephanie, "Daphne" even writing it on a card that one of those famous dollars were stuck in.   We loved stopping by Castle Heights or Davidson Dr. for a visit...wished I had one more of those stops.  

Our Myrtle the Turtle was extra special.  

My sister (inlaw, but we don't use that with her), Faye.
submitted by Melissa Martin

I remember meeting her for the first time at the skating rink....Mike brought her and they picked me up while on a date.  She was so sweet to me and promised she would take me back skating....Faye, you owe me! 

These photos sum you up....the forever teacher-look filming (nice camcorder) Susannah's graduation...and Bec having a fun smear with you....looks like smearing runs in the family since Mike and you got some at the Monteagle party.  

Happy Mother's Day to you.  Love.


My sister Angela
submitted by Melissa Martin

Well....what can I say, except for the following:
I love you and you can see by the pics, that other half (tall, dark Indian) that is missing from our daily lives, but not missing from our hearts.  There is not one without the other.  

Happy Mother's Day sissy...thanks for being there for me.  
Love you.

Granny and Michael
submitted by Michael Maiocco Jr.

I miss you so much Granny. I can't wait to hear you voice again.

Daddy and Uncle Carl with Mamaw Schrecker...looks like Mase.
submitted by Melissa Martin

Mamaw died when I was young, but I can still remember 
'tall' lemon meringue pies cooling on a small antique table by her front door.  
The smell was wonderful and the image everlasting. 

Grandma Myrtle...
submitted by Melissa Martin

Well, what can I saw but my stand in momma after losing mine 
and so good to my babies.  
I needed that guidance at that time.  
She was loved by so many...and she would set us straight today!

My mother-in-law, Dorothy
submitted by Melissa Martin

Also, another mother to me when mom died.  She was always so good to me (and us).  She loved like no other, was proper, smart and well-mannered.  She loved her grandchildren, Annalise, Nathan and Stephanie.  She would have been so proud of Owen and Alex too.  I can hear her now telling how Bailey's boys would be just like him and laughing and laughing....We miss her.  She loved Clarksville Academy from her days as one of the founders...having the library named after was such an honor for her and for all of us, we KNOW how much she loved TCA!!!  

Happy Mother's Day Mrs. Martin.

submitted by Melissa Martin

Happy Mother's Day to you Stephanie.  
Sweetness is blessed to have you as his momma.  
I've included only one pic and that pretty much sums up your motherhood to me...
caring, teaching, giving up your time and loving....

Anne, Mary, Lizzie, Susie. Grandmother Margeret taken December '70
submitted by Michael Maiocco

Grandmother Margeret Maiocco in front with her sisters 
December 1970 (Anne, Mary, Lizzie, Susie).
I can't wait to meet these beautiful women someday. 

Aunt Fay C
submitted by Melissa Martin

Had to steal this beautiful pic off her FB page.  She is the absolute best chocolate cake baker ever and has some of the prettiest and most handsome grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  I remember when they lived here in C'ville.  She worked at the First Baptist Activities Building.  It was new and cool.  We got to go every day one summer with her to 'work'.  We played while she worked.  Great memories Fay C.

submitted by Melody Coppage

a classic 1975ish picture! 
Wanda brought Grandma Myrtle to Chattanooga for a visit.

submitted by Melissa Martin

This one is for our cousin, Patty...pic is of Patty holding her Evan.  
It's a total comfy baby photo, and I love those.   
We think of Evan always and know his momma does too.  
Love you Patty.  
Thinking of you this Mother's Day.

submitted by a dog lover

Last photo I'm gonna post is one of momma Dolly with puppies.  
Mommyhood doesn't only exist for us.  
I like this pic because Dolly is 'smiling' and so proud of her babies.

And for our mother, no picture needed cause you've seen a few, 

her cowboy outfit at work, 
her housecoat pose outside 
and the numerous other ones posted (who can forget the Judy Garland look)...
I've been so excited over this project this week.  
I dedicate it to you mom.  
We know you watch over us from the heavens above.  
Happy Mother's Day! 
Love to all mothers.

okay, just one more!

happy, happy momma's day to you...
Mason's Granny.

thank you for showing me the value in having a 
meaningful conversation with a good cup of coffee.
a much better lesson than teaching me how to sew. :)
love YOU.

to many.