Monday, June 24, 2013

supermoon in the country.

Did anyone else see the supermoon?

I was out late Saturday night in our front yard 
attempting to take photographs.

Widening the aperture and slowing the shutter speed way down
to where I had to take a deep breath every time before pressing the button...
trying to be as still as possible.

I really, really should have brought out the tripod.

But I kinda like the challenge. :)

Anyway, early Sunday morning, 
(5 a.m. ish - ridiculously early when you go to bed at 1 a.m.)
I staggered out in my pajamas with a gorgeous hair-do
to photograph it again at moonset.

But it was just too foggy here in the hollow.

Instead, I took a video of the birds chirping. :)

Below is my favorite from Saturday night...

Hope y'all broke in summer good this past weekend.

My little family and I certainly did...

Throwin' frisbee, grillin' out, and watchin' nugget run through the yard.

Welcome sweet summer.


Monday, June 17, 2013

to the dads.

I feel kinda bad that I did not do a "big" post for father's day like I did for mother's day...

Nothing against the Dads - I just didn't get around to getting everything ready!

However, I still would like to say happy father's day to my daddy.

The man who helped provide me with the absolute best childhood...

I just couldn't resist posting these beauties.

I'm so thankful he now has an active role in raisin' my nugget.

...and a special shout out to my baby's daddy.

It's been fun to experience parenting with you, Poot. :)


Friday, June 14, 2013

savannah + mommy.

A quick, little late night post.

Just wanting to share a few more of my favorites from Saturday's session...

I love all the pink alongside the cornfield. :)

And THAT bow - oh, little girls and their accessories!

Thanks, H&S.


this was most definitely the last photograph of the session. :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

{preview} savannah and mommy.

Yesterday afternoon, Michael and I had a super quick photo session 
with precious Savannah and her mommy.

Y'all know Savannah...I've had the wonderful opportunity to photograph her a bunch. :) 

I've been editing photos today, and below is one of my favorites...

Two sweet, strong ladies.
More photos coming soon. :)


Saturday, June 8, 2013

t-shirts FOR SALE!


I'm so excited to announce that Creek Junk has t-shirts for sale!

My momma is running the etsy website, which you can find here:

We're still in the beginning stages of all of this, 

so just stick with us. :)

If you like t-shirts...

and dogs!

you'll like this one:

more merch to come!

Enjoy your weekend. :)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Memorial Day weekend.

I know it was a couple weeks back, but I still wanted to share this post. :)

My family and I went to 3 different ceremonies for Memorial Day weekend.  My favorite was a luminary tribute in Dover, Tennessee.  We also went to a candlelight vigil and a wreath-laying ceremony, both in Clarksville, Tennessee.  Each of these were beautiful ways to celebrate this holiday.

Below is my Memorial Day weekend in pictures...


7:05 pm

8:32 pm
28 empty chairs symbolizing the missing from the Vietnam War...
Vietnam veteran and retired U.S. Army Colonel Tom Denney 
a few Gold Star Wives of America 
raise your hand if you have served... 
my young man learning about our freedom. 

*You'll notice I have had to remove the Facebook comment option from the blog.  Unfortunately, I had stopped receiving notifications whenever new comments were being published, and after several attempts to adjust it, I decided to completely remove it.  Please, feel free to leave comments on our Facebook page or use the blogger comment section below, which is being heavily monitored due to previous spam issues.  Thank you for understanding. :)