Saturday, December 15, 2012

DIY Christmas Card Display

I'm actually in the middle of baking a couple things for a family, Christmas party tonight, but I wanted to take a quick minute to share a post with you...


I try to do different things with the cards we receive from family and friends each year, and this year, I am absolutely lovin' our display!  I love it so much, I just can't wait any longer to share it with y'all...
the deets: 

vintage, metal headboard {the one we're using is a full size}
bright red ribbon {scissors to cut & tape to secure ends}


Happy Saturday!

We have received some beautiful cards so far this season...
Thank y'all!


Anonymous said...

How clever!

Unknown said...

What a great way to view all your cards. Great job.

Stephanie said...

:) thank ya....finally found a temporary use for this headboard!!