Saturday, December 1, 2012

yella, redneck, & Santa.

Christmas boxes have traveled from the attic to the main floor as of last night.  There has been a stall in decorating due to an unforeseen issue.  One of my four-legged babies decided they wanted a yellow tree instead of the pearly white.  Oh ya.  My favorite white tree has a yellow branch.  They must have decorated it last year, because it's good and set.  SO, for now, I've turned the yella part towards the wall.  Is that gross?  I'm thinking we can maybe spray paint (possibly DIY project???).  However, it's a pre-lit tree, so we would have to avoid the lights.  I know.  Ridiculous, but you can seriously tell.  I almost cried when I got it out of the box - tears of frustration and laughter.  ANYWAY, we'll maybe mess with it today and if not, if you come to my house during the next month, don't fully examine my guest room tree!    

Last weekend, we jotted down all of the activities we're wanting to do this month, and we are CRAZY busy.  Can anyone else relate?  I love it though - really I do.  I don't look at it as stressful.  I think being busy allows you to appreciate "downtime" that much more.  So, I'm lookin' forward to seeing family and friends AND Santa during the next several weeks. Speakin' of Santa, we stopped by Santa's, Redneck Wonderland last week on Black Friday. A quick visit to Bass Pro at Opry Mills for the men to buy hunting gear that they didn't need, women to walk around aimlessly, and Mase to sit in Santa's lap for a sec...

hello, December.

not a fan.


Melissa said...

He's the cutest little redneck ever! Now, I've got a photo where moments later he was the perfect Gerber baby. :)

The yellow tree, humm...still trying to figure out how D or D peed on it.???. "shh, ain't nobody gonna see it"

Stephanie said...

Ya, ya, ya. He still wasn't too sure of the old man. He'll see him lots more though!

Well, one of 'em did! It's funny that's why I shared...but ya, what to do besides angle the tree to where ya can't see it? :)

Unknown said...

Love the Santa picture - poor baby. As for the yellow branch try a white vinegar solution. It should help a lot. If it doesn't let me know for more suggestions. It is pretty funny though.

Stephanie said...

Thanks - my aunt suggested to also try peroxide. I'm just gonna leave it for's facing the wall, so no biggie!